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Marc Boutavant (캐릭터) 모크애니씨리즈 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuecaDYbn2k&feature=related 모크는 좀 지루해요 Mouk S'Ennunie un Peu. http://www.flickr.com/photos/7223807@N07/1599601544/ cf.http://ohusun.blog.me/130109816247
camillaengman Open studios http://camillaengman.blogspot.com/2011/11/im-little-occupied.html I got a surprise package from one of my favorite illustrator Beatrice Alemagna Marie Sjölander http://camillaengman.blogspot.com
graphichug / pogo http://www.graphichug.com/ https://www.behance.net/wemakepogo https://www.behance.net/gallery/29026191/Muaa-SS15 https://www.behance.net/gallery/2015663/Pink-Modes-composites- https://www.behance.net/gallery/23821175/Nextel-La-Dona-que-Dona 올라퍼 아르날즈의 뮤직비디오 디렉터의 다른 작Resonance / Deus Ex Machina from Esteban Diácono on Vimeo.https://vimeo.com/estebandiacono/videoshttps://www.behance.net/gallery/347..
타이포 그래픽 https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=adobe+typography+tutorials&newwindow=1&espv=2&biw=2133&bih=1012&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj06qmP7PDJAhVhrKYKHd3hApIQ_AUIBygC&dpr=0.9https://www.behance.net/benjohnstonhttp://lukelucas.com/https://www.behance.net/marianacastellanoshttps://www.behance.net/gallery/8011125/Print-for-wine-companyhttp://vectips.com/tutorials/create-a-grimy-text-treatment-wi..
CANDYKILLER Finger Industries Ltd. See my profile for links to Candykiller on the web. Promotional Artwork The Great Outdoors © Finger Industries 2011 Thompsons Flying Submarine © Finger Industries 2011 The Romanovs © Finger Industries 2010 Creative Review, Feb '11 eGot & B in the corner - CGI typography © Finger Industries 2011 Creative Review, May '11 CGI typography © Finger Industries 2011 The Great Hors..
(스칸디나비아) 벡터 일러스트레이션 http://markverhaagen.com/ http://www.bigactive.com/ http://www.klaush.com/ http://www.bigactive.com/illustration/klaus-haapaniemi http://www.kustaasaksi.com/ http://www.sanna-annukka.com/ http://www.siggieggertsson.com/ http://mazakii.com/ very long journey. part 1. collab with Jared Nickerson. This tee is available in 12 Month Tee Club on Threadless Swampland Client: Oregon Coast Aquarium Creat..
d'strict 희망의 망고나무 디스트릭트, 김덕수패 http://www.dstrict.com/projects/digilog_samulnori.php 디스트릭트, 4면 동시 파사드 http://www.dstrict.com/projects/wave.php
mayumiotero Série d'illustrations publiée chaque mois dans le journal Le Tigre A series of illustrations published every month in Le Tigre's paper http://mayumiotero.com
mark verhaagen 60여개 캐릭터의 주블시리즈 http://markverhaagen.com/work/zoobles_-_petal_point/ Client: Spin Master Ltd. Project: illustrations for packaging design, animations, website and print Production: Esther van den Berg / Shop Around NYC Here are the Zoobles from the Seagonia series. These creatures live and play underwater. Some are happy, some clumsy, some are a bit shy… and there’s a grumpy Mr. Crabs. The Seago..
데이비드카슨 마음 직관 사랑 느낌 가족 감정 주관 사적 듣기 경험 현실 평화 탐험 실험 위험 좀 더 큰 위험 도달 확장 해석 느끼다 Ray Gun was an American alternative rock n roll magazine, first published in 1992 . Led by founding art director David Carson who was influential graphic designer at that time. His widely-imitated aesthetic defined the so-called “grunge typography” era. 데이비드 카슨 David Carson (USA) 이후의 그래픽 디자인 뉴욕에 있는 데이비드 카슨 디자인의 창립자이자 R/GA사의 크리에이티..