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tamiesie / CHRIS SISARICH의 넓다란 풍경들

  • Sun City

    Part one of a continued study of residences and landscaping in America's largest retirement community - Sun City, Arizona.

  • Signs of American Life

    Traveling across the remote American landscape - particularly the West - I have often felt a seclusion I can only attribute to the foreignness of the topography and the physical distance from other human beings. Ironically, at times when it seemed I was quite isolated from another person or anything familiar, I did not have to look far before realizing that someone was nearby or had been where I was at one time before me. Often these signs were of a bizarre nature, yet they produced a strange sense of comfort. In these photographs I am reminded less of this comfort and more of the observation that the distance between what is familiar and unfamiliar is shorter than I often imagine.

  • Somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere
  • I was on assignment in Egypt shooting a Tourism Campaign.
    Any moment I had free we were off shooting these amazing empty and barren landscapes.

    It was hard to tell whether I'm looking at all that's left after a futile attempt at taming the desert,
    or witnessing the first tentative steps towards creating somewhere people can live.
    These are spaces defined by their negative space, blessed with light - which is sliding in from all directions.
    Including people and the things they've made somehow only makes the landscapes seem emptier.

  • South Island. New Zealand

  • These images were all shot around the McKenzie Country in the South Island of New Zealand.
    The area has long inspired me by it's barrenness, in contrast to what we have come to expect from the classic green New Zealand landscape.