유, 더 리빙

Eden Veaudry 조각조각 귀여운 꼴라주


Eden Veaudry 조각조각 귀여운 꼴라주

■● 2010. 7. 8. 20:14

(Victoria, Canada)

Eden Veaudry lives and works in Victoria, BC Canada.

3 of the last things that have inspired you
1. a big red & white patterned smock
2. mountains
3. faber & faber book covers

3 things on your walls
1. to do list
2. big braid of pink roving
3. gold paper crown

3 things that you never get sick of
1. licorice
2. silence
3. colour

3 artists who have influenced your development
1. louise bourgeois
2. pipilotti rist
3. francesca woodman

3 blogs that you follow
1. http://miekewillems.blogspot.com
2. http://ajourneyroundmyskull.blogspot.com
3. http://blog.ungtblod.com

3 songs that everyone should listen to
1. robert wyatt - sea song
2. roland kirk - a laugh for rory
3. brigitte fontaine - brigitte

3 things that you are looking forward to
1. autumn
2. travel
3. building a puppet theater

3 words that describe your photographs
1. spontaneous
2. hopeful
3. alive


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Posted in Art, Featured Photography Portfolio, Music, Photography, film by Jennilee Marigomen