
Talking Bird, Death Cab for Cutie

■● 2011. 2. 17. 11:44

And you're kept in an open cage
넌 열린 새장 안에 있으니
So you're free to leave or stay
떠나든 여기 남든 네 자유야
And sometimes you get confused
때때론 넌 혼란스러워하지
Like there's a hint that I'm trying to give you
내가 줄 힌트라도 있는것처럼


And the longer you think

더 오래 생각할수록
The less you know what to do
뭘해야할지 더 모를 뿐이야

It's hard to see your way out
When you live in a house in a house
집 안의 집에 살땐 출구를 찾기 어렵지
'Cause you don't realize
That the windows were open the whole time
왜냐면 네가 창문들은 항상 열려져 있다는걸
못 깨닫고 있기 때문이야


Though your feathers are tattered and furled
너의 날개가 망가지고 접혀져도
I'll love you all your days
널 언제나 사랑할게
'Til the breath leaves your delicate face

숨이 너의 연약한 몸을 떠날때까지


It's all here for you As long as you choose to stay
네가 여기 남기로 선택하는한 모든건 널 위해 여기 있단다
It's all here for you As long as you don't fly away
네가 날아가버리지 않는한 모든게 널 위해 여기 있단다



/Talking Bird