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60여개 캐릭터의 주블시리즈
Client: Spin Master Ltd.
Project: illustrations for packaging design, animations, website and print
Production: Esther van den Berg / Shop Around NYC
Here are the Zoobles from the Seagonia series. These creatures live and play underwater.
Some are happy, some clumsy, some are a bit shy… and there’s a grumpy Mr. Crabs.
The Seagonia Land illustration is being used as a backdrop in packaging, website, etc.
An actual package from the Seagonia looks like this. It’s featuring the 3-step Zooble illustration and parts of the Land illustration.
Client: Spin Master Ltd.
Project: illustrations for packaging design, animations, website and print
Production: Esther van den Berg / Shop Around NYC
Zoobles are little creatures with the ability to magically transform from a tiny ball into a cute, mischievous and quirky little creature. When placed on their magnetized Happitat these colorful balls pop open into fun and cute characters. This new toy line by highly acclaimed toy manufacturer Spin Master features my illustrations, which are being used primarily for packaging but can also be found in animations, website and print. The illustrations shown here are made for the Petagonia line, which was first released in the US in August 2010.
For each Zooble I created 3 drawings to illustrate the pop-open action on the packages.
Some are furry, some are feathered, but all have psychedelic rainbow color schemes.
These Zoobles live in Petagonia, a backyard / park land with tree slides and tiny holes to hide and sleep in.
And here are some of the actual packages! The design was done by Spin Master, I just did the illustration part. It’s featuring the 3 step pop-open illustrations as well as the Petagonia illustration used as a backdrop image. The Zooble logo features a little sleeping Cat ball, prrrr…
Oldies but goldies. Character designs, environments, experiments, it’s all here.
Some of my favorites: